
ABC News Qld – Safe Haven Community

ABC News Qld – Safe Haven Community

Safe Haven Community CEO Jaeneen Cunningham speaks at the women's march for justice in March 2021. Safe Haven Community is one of the only privately funded organisations that deals with victim survivors of coercive control. Here Ms Cunningham speaks about our need to...

ABC News Qld – Doctors for All

ABC News Qld – Doctors for All

Charity Doctors for All wished to gain coverage of their work in order to achieve corporate sponsorship and/or government funding. Public Relations That Actually Works was able to facilitate filming in both the Woorabinda Indigenous Community, as well as inside the...

Broad Radio

Co Gear is an Australian owned high vis maternity workwear company that is breaking new ground in the mining and construction industries. Co Gear has redefined industry standards of inclusion and diversity, at a time when industrial and trade businesses across...

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